Friday, October 9, 2009

So my last blog had my mind racing for future destinations and it was all written on impulse and spontaneously done and I liked it that way.

I am still am motivated to do such a thing as that ( and I believe I will as soon as I am set and in a position to do so. So here’s to the next step of evaluating my Future goals.

I have always been very good at setting goals and to be fair about it good at achieving them too! Modest huh?

I was only young when I was introduced to this type of thinking I saw a sports psychologist when I was having a tough time with injury. I saw a great guy named Ashleigh Light who gave me an insight in to the positive ways of thinking. In a nutshell he taught me to only ever worry about the controllable factors and anything that is out of your control is not worth worrying about. It is a technique I have applied to many aspects of my life and I think it is really something that can help you out immensely.

Broken down this way of thinking is put in to three categories




This is not a positive thinking or thought managing blog so I don’t want to bore you all at this point but basically it is just a method to break down situations in your life and help you formulate a solution to achieve a goal.

For example to tie your shoelace you can apply this, the Process- taking the lace in each hand, secondly you have the Performance- the ‘criss-cross, bunny ears, loop, pull through ’(don’t know the exact terminology, It went something like that yea?…) and finally after applying the process and the performance you will see the Outcome- A tied lace.

So often people make the mistake of over looking the Process and often this is the most simple and important part of achieving the goal. Without it the performance is effected and the outcome is often not what was initially intended, sometimes you can be close, but more often than not you’ll be way off!

This idea can be applied to anything in life, all your goals should have a Process, Performance and Outcome category. Now back to the shoe lace. With these goals you can only ever be concerned with the controllable factors, as I mentioned before the uncontrollable factors are unknown and can not be effected by the process performance or the outcome. They are out of your control. For example if that lace is cut too short to be tied you have no way of completing your goal…And this will happen in life, you are faced with challenges that can throw you right off track. Besides if you achieved every goal you ever set yourself then your not challenging yourself enough and are setting what I call comfort goals!

So what is the point of my blog if it is not a thought teaching one…Well I have always set goals and I will continue to do but only under a different view.

I heard something the other day that I really enjoyed. It was on a film and it was that “If your situation was to change, would your goals”.

I thought this was a great question, and I think of course it would change. It was then that I realised that all future goals are circumstantial are they not?

If I became ill tomorrow then surely my future goal would be to get well. Unfortunately it takes something so serious, usually something like illness or even death to make you realise what is important to you and then you re-evaluate your goals. It’s almost human nature I think that after a period of time too become selfish. It is so easy to only be concerned about yourself.

If you think back through history at legendary figures such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Malcolm X, Che Guevara to name a few, it is through these individuals selflessness that they have managed to help so many other people. And now in more recent times people such as Jeremy Gilley and Barack Obama represent hope and the possibility of change through their goals.

I am not claiming to know all their individual goals but I’m sure that they were less circumstantial than ours. If you take into consideration what these people achieved and what they were up against at times then it really stands out that they had a great vision, dream, belief, hope, desire in what they were trying to achieve. Each one of these individuals have effected millions of people the world over, and they have done this through trying to achieve their own individual goals, which goes to show just how powerful goal setting can be.

How often have you spoke to someone who has lost someone close to them or knows of someone who has, and have heard them say “It puts things in to perspective…” Well why wait for such a thing, why not live each day with things in perspective, and have a goal that is certain!

Not all goals you set for yourself will be definite and they will be circumstantial it is normal. The world isn’t going to change because of your goal setting. You still need to continue to do what it is that motivates you and continue to strive towards achieving goals within your profession, hobbies and social life. But there should be a goal in your life that no matter what the circumstances no matter what predicament you find yourself in you have A vision, A dream, A Belief, A hope, A desire that is permanent.

Live forever, Pelts